My Seminars/Conferences

There are 3 reasons that I accept invitations to speak in seminars and conferences:

1. You Are Surrounded By Like-minded People
Scoff if you want. But, I'm telling you, there's huge POWER in being around folks who are driven to the same goal as you are. To this day, my friends don't really get what I do. They nod their heads and smile, but I can tell their eyes are glazing over. Well, picture being at a party with a few hundred people who not only know what you do... they do it, too! You'll be amazed at how inspiring that can be.

2. You Meet People Who Inspire And Drive You
I know it sounds flighty. But, when they are downing drinks with someone and sharing strategies back and forth about what's working, your mind ignites. You find yourself wishing you'd brought your laptop so you can start taking action that moment! And here's something better... you exchange phone numbers (yep, remember that thing you used to use before becoming a recluse?) and follow up with each other. That's accountability, baby and it can drive you to major success.

3. You Remove Yourself From The Daily Routine Ever wake up and have trouble getting your engine started? (I'm not talking about your car here.) And if you ever DO get the thing to turn over, you can't seem to get any speed? Humans need routine. But, it's JUST as important to get OUT of your routine. And going to a seminar does that for you. It makes you leave your daily routine behind. Going to a seminar can give your brain (and motivation) the jump-start it needs.

Seminars I attended in recent times